Bessie Edwards has been an arts and cultural activist committed to preserving and promoting arts and cultural initiatives within the diaspora for more than 20 years. Ms Edwards said “I am eager to share my experience in arts program development and management with the Brooklyn Blues Society.” Her company, Pizzazz Meetings & Events Planning Group managed Anhueser-Busch, Inc., and Jazzmobile’s Jazz Vocal Competition. This program encouraged Jazz vocalists to hone their art and compete in Jazzmobile’s summer concert series With more than 100 participants each year. Most recently in 2019, Ms. Edwards spearheaded CBJC’s efforts to attract a millennium audience with a fresh approach to its 20th program series by featuring musicians new to the Jazz scene that brought innovative styles, envisioning for the next 20 years, while honoring those who have adorned the stage for decades. Serving as acting Executive Director since 2017, she has managed CBJC’s Arts as a Catalyst: Gun Initiative program and the Immigrant Cultural Initiative and Jazz: The Women’s Viewpoint.
Bessie Edwards’ past experiences include serving as an adjunct professor at New York University, NYC Community College and Kingsborough Community College in adult education departments teaching events management and career education. Ms. Edwards earned an undergraduate degree from Brooklyn College and a MS degree in Human Resource and Organizational Development from the New School of Social Research.